Saturday, 1 January 2011

Bangkok - The Arrival

We've made it, we've only bloody made it. Not that difficult you'd think but given the snow chaos a week ago, flight transfer in Mumbai and my efforts to ruin the operation it's pretty impressive. It's the airport security that gets me, I've got very specific systems for all my crap - cigarettes, phone, wallet, passport (in order of importance) - and taking all this out and putting it through the scanning device leaves me very disorientated. That's my justification for leaving my wallet and laptop in the collection bit on two separate occasions, although it doesn't explain why I also tried to leave my mobile phone and immigration form on the plane. I'm blaming jet lag for that one. I'm already feeling sorry for Polly.

We've been in Bangkok for one day and the highlight so far is getting a haircut from a woman on new year's day morning. Not much of a highlight you might think, but considering one member of staff was passed out on a couch and the one cutting my hair said, "I very drunk, very tired, sorry!" I think I've got out of it pretty lightly.

Needless to say it's very sunny, food's cheap and delicious and it's all very exciting. I've started editing video footage. It's going to be amazing.

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